The Creativity / Movement Correlation

The Creativity / Movement Correlation

Have you ever noticed that moving your body helped you be more creative? You feel stuck on a project, then go for a walk and finally have that breakthrough idea. A-ha! Turns out, a recent study shows there is a link between being active and creative. According to...
Finding Design Inspiration

Finding Design Inspiration

The blank page can be overwhelming. Sometimes a repeat project is even more challenging, trying to break from an existing design to make something fresh. Having a design process can make it all a little less intimidating. And you don’t need to have...
Template for Writing Sprints

Template for Writing Sprints

I started facilitating writing sprints ages ago to help clients break up daunting content creation projects. After seeing how productive these sessions can be, I started doing solo sprints and using them for even smaller things like a single blog post.  As a business...
15 Minutes for a More Creative Day

15 Minutes for a More Creative Day

I think of creativity a lot like strength training. Investing 15 minutes in lifting weights here and there adds up over time, until eventually you can lift more, or do more sets, and it feels more natural. Same for running, playing an instrument, writing. Practice,...
Making Sketch Mock-Ups

Making Sketch Mock-Ups

When starting a new design project, like an annual report or print ad, I usually include making a concept sketch as part of the process. Even when a project seems simple. Even if the project is with a client I’ve worked with for years. When I skip this, I...
Warming Up Solo

Warming Up Solo

Though I love it when there’s a full team on a project, I’ve gotten accustomed to working solo when I need to. One of the things I learned along the way is that I shouldn’t skip steps that are normally part of my process just because I’m on my...